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    The true advantage of the NewsVoir platform is the meticulous involvement of the NewsVoir team in making a Press Release sharp, focused and of a high quality, so that it is readily usable by you with minimal effort.
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    Each article is organized by section, industry, language and type to make it easy for you to browse and find the right news. From the Accounting, Advertising and Automotive Industry to Financial News, Media and Entertainment to Sports, technology and travel, all aspects across 100+ industry verticals are covered categorized and ready to use.
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    Use our Search Engine to find archived stories, combine news pieces and build a broader story for release, identify a brands story and their history.

    Get access to relevant multimedia options as part of the news story to add value to the story, NewsVoir ensures that majority of news pieces are already loaded with great videos, images and sound bytes to accentuate the overall story. Share to social media from our website directly and create the news your audience is looking for online with simplicity and convenience.