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Company profile
You don’t hire characters; you hire people, real people. They’re not looking for jobs; they’re looking for a career. However, sometimes it’s hard to find them and other times it’s hard to find the job that sparks a dream. We, Vasitum, are a Tech startup focusing on solving the challenges of recruiters and job seekers alike. Our AI-enabled career platform automates the cumbersome and monotonous activities of the recruitment process. Paired with smart matching of jobs and talent, automated real-time screening and communication, Vasitum is a modern HR-powerhouse to accelerate recruitment.
 Recent press releases
Vasitum - Noida Based Startup Plans to Revolutionise Recruitment through AI

Glassdoor research shows that on an average, you are against 250 resumes whenever you apply for a job. Of those resumes, 4 to 6 get called for an interview, and only one gets the job.
Team Vasitum
Yes, there are 249 other people striving to do the exact same thing... (more)
Maven Workforce Launches Vasitum - Your AI Powered Recruitment Partner

Maven Workforce, a decade old recruitment firm, has launched an AI powered recruitment platform, Vasitum. The heart of Vasitum’s creation is an AI bot, Vasi which manifests as an effort to bridge the gap between those scouting for talent and the ones looking for the best suited jobs.
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