Captain Zack, renowned pet care and hygiene brand celebrated their 4th anniversary by unveiling a new campaign and launching a special pupcake mix. Captain Zack star...
Proteon Pharmaceuticals India - a subsidiary of Proteon Pharmaceuticals SA Poland, today announced it will focus on the development of bacteriophages as a sustainable alternative to a...
Over time, animal welfare has become a public health issue. Its strong credentials are becoming a way for businesses to differentiate their products from others by translating them to sustainable returns....
India’s leading preventive pet care brand,, continues to stay focused on introducing products that help improve the quality of life for pets. Having introduced products that ar...
Pets have been amongst our saviours during the lockdowns and long days at home. Pet parents are getting more and more eager to know about how to keep their pets healthy and are looking to provide them with the ...
Seeing a stray animal may tug at our hearts a little, but few go the extra mile to give them a better life. Stray animals not only struggle to find a safe place to hide but also find it difficult to scavenge fo...
Lasa Supergenerics Limited (BSE: 540702, NSE: LASA), pioneer and amongst the leading players in the manufacturing of Veterinary and Human APIs in India through its catalyst chemistry expertise ...
International Animal Welfare Organisation, World Animal Protection lauds and appreciates the recent legal directive of a court on the unethical and immoral practice of baiting lions for tourism...