Source Name: Credai NCR

Statement from Mr Manoj Gaur, President, Credai NCR on Earthquake Resistance of Buildings

Apr 28, 2015   17:19 PM 

Mr Manoj Gaur, President, CREDAI NCR:
“Since Delhi/NCR comes under seismic zone IV, no effort is spared so that all structures built by the developers’ community are as per norms that ensure requisite structural strength to withstand an earthquake. Accordingly, stringent approval mechanisms are in place to meet the highest safety standards comprising three layers of approval. This begins at the designing stage of projects, which have to be approved by qualified architects. To bolster safety norms, every project structure, layout and design is then vetted by engineering experts from institutions such as IIT and NIT. Thereafter, this is sent to the DTCP’s office to be verified by their panel of structural engineers. A design is finally approved only after it passes all tests. Strict compliance is done at site by developers which involve regular site visits by structure consultants and monitoring of overall execution work by qualified engineers. At CREDAI, we have made it mandatory for all developers to adhere to these rules diligently.


The safety and wellbeing of citizens and customers being prime moral responsibility; we are willing to put-in our best expertise in Building Structure, design and Layout. Despite heavy Tremor, there is not even a minor loss in whole region which proves that quality Development is taking place in NCR region. Only well designed multi-storied buildings can stay erected in earthquake because they are designed accordingly.”