Source Name: Round Table India

Round Table India Distribute Food among 70,000 Underprivileged Kids

Freedom from Hunger

Aug 23, 2017   12:58 PM 
Delhi | Mumbai, India

Round Table India in association with NGO Robin Hood Army distributed 70,000 food packets among the underprivileged as part of their ongoing campaign 'Freedom from Hunger'. 



Round Table India - Freedom from Hunger


Christopher Aravinth, President, Round Table India added, "RHA has provided over 70,000 food packets among needy in 20 cities. RTI believes bringing together the different sections of society is the first step toward defeating a systemic problem like hunger, illiteracy and lack of basics - which goes beyond caste, religion and nationality. We promise to be a platform for the youth to set a strong example for creating widespread impact. This could potentially shape the way future generations act when it comes to giving back to society."

(RTI), a non-political and non-sectarian organization of young men of age group of 18 and 40 who strive to promote Service Through Fellowship. Through fellowship endearing young men of this organization have been serving the community for over 50 years. RTI has and continues to put in colossal efforts to create and refurbish primary FTE school blocks by establishing processes, systems and providing educational tools in the hands of young aspiring India through its established network.

Round Table India has been truly living up to it's mission of Freedom Through Education and has been working relentlessly for the upliftment of the underprivileged children of the society!

Round Table India is happy to help in spreading education to the underprivileged children of our society. In the past 20 years we have built over 2300 classrooms with an outlay of Rs. 212.50 crore rupees. This will help impact the lives of more than 6.3 million children who are the present and future of a strong and resurgent India. RTI prides itself to be a Zero Overhead Organization. It ensures that every rupee donated / raised goes for Freedom through Education projects, while the administration costs are met with internal funding from members. This uniquely positions RTI differently from other service organizations, since it creates 100% value to its stakeholder. Every rupee received by RTI from any donor is stretched to create maximum value and impact. Apart from this Round Table India and its members have also been actively involved in providing relief in every natural catastrophe like Earthquake, Floods, Epidemics and other natural disasters.  

Round Table India reinforces that children are the future of tomorrow and we need to empower these lives for nation building in the real sense.

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