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Cracking examinations like GATE, ESE, and UPSC is a dream for all young Indians and job aspirants. However, coming out successfully in these examinations is not an easy task, as it demands a huge amount of hard work and determination. Apart from that, a student should also require proper mentorship from an impeccable personality who knows in and out of the entire examination procedure. Jaspal Singh is one such Civil Engineering educator and mentor who has proved his mettle in helping aspirants for GATE/ ESE and other competitive exams to get into Public Sectors Units in the Civil Engineering domain.
 Recent press releases
Unacademy Educator Jaspal Singh honored with Indian Achievers' Award

Jaspal Singh has mentored lakhs of Indian youth preparing for GATE/ESE and other competitive exams
Presently, Jaspal Singh is working with Unacademy, as senior educator
Unacademy educator Jaspal Singh, known for mentoring lakhs of young Indian brains was hono... (more)
Meet Jaspal Singh, a Focused Educator Who is Mentoring Lakhs of Young Brains

Attention GATE/ESE aspirants: Jaspal Singh is there to mentor you in the right path
Aiming for GATE/ESE Mentorship under Jaspal Singh could make your dream come true
Jaspal Singh: A teacher and mentor who not only guides but motivates 
Cracking exam... (more)