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Press background on DIYA (Dadasshrie International Yagyam Astu) Foundation
Company profile
DIYA (Dadasshrie International Yagyam Astu) Foundation, founded by Yagyamurthy Dadashrie, is a spiritual organisation promoting the ancient tradition of performing Yagya. Our goal is to encourage everyone to conduct Yagya as a daily ritual. Our aim is “Har Ghar Mein Yagya” which means “Yagya in each household”.
 Recent press releases
Maha Yagyam by Yagyamurthy Dadasshrie for World Peace and Prosperity

DIYA (Dadasshrie International Yagyam Astu) Foundation, founded by Yagyamurthy Dadasshrie, is a spiritual organisation promoting the ancient tradition of performing Yagya. Our goal is to encourage everyone to conduct Yagya as a daily ritual. Our aim is “ Ghar Ghar Yagyam” which mea... (more)