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Press background on Zupee
Company profile
We are the biggest online gaming company with 95% market share in the Indian gaming sector’s largest segment — casual & boardgame segment. We make skill-based games that spark joy in the everyday lives of people by engaging and entertaining while they play. All Zupee games are approved and certified by AIGF as Games of Skill.
 Recent press releases
Zupee Introduces 'Extra Winnings' Campaign with Harbhajan Singh and Jatin Sapru

Zupee unveiled its latest campaign, ‘Extra Winnings,’ featuring the renowned duo Harbhajan Singh and Jatin Sapru engaging in a battle of wits. The campaign, designed around the theme of ‘Extra Winnings,’ merges the realms of Cricket and Ludo, showcasing the dynamic synergy b... (more)
Elevate your Ludo Skills: Enhance Your Gameplay with these Winning Techniques

In the realm of gaming, Ludo remains a beloved classic cherished by players of all ages. However, to truly excel at skill-based Ludo, you must elevate your strategy beyond basic moves. This guide unveils five essential tricks to enhance your online Ludo gameplay and increase your chances of winning... (more)
Team Bonding Beyond Boardrooms: 5 Team Building Games to Engage and Unite your Corporate Team

Embrace the flexibility of remote work with virtual team building games and activities. From online games like ludo and virtual escape rooms to virtual team lunches and talent shows, leverage technology to connect and engage your team regardless of location.
Zupe... (more)
The Social Impact of Ludo as a Catalyst for Connection

In the contemporary landscape of gaming, Ludo has emerged as a subject of fascination and study among enthusiasts and researchers alike. This classic board game, revitalized through online platforms, transcends mere entertainment, serving as a catalyst for social bonding and communication. The soci... (more)
Mastering online Skill Based Ludo Games

Ludo, originating from ancient India, has seamlessly transitioned into the digital age as a timeless board game. With the advent of online platforms, Ludo has evolved into a skill-based pursuit that demands strategic prowess. Today, players from across the globe are delving into this contemporary r... (more)
Mastering Ludo: Elevate Your Game with these Winning Moves

In the world of gaming, Ludo is a timeless favorite for players of all ages, but to excel at skill-based Ludo, you need more than just basic moves. You must embrace clever tactics to turn the game in your favor. This guide reveals 5 tricks to boost your online Ludo gameplay and help you win real ca... (more)