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Press background on EO Spark
Company profile
The Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) is a global business network of 10,000+ leading entrepreneurs in 147 chapters and 48 countries. Founded in 1987 by a group of young entrepreneurs, EO enables business owners to learn from each other, leading to greater business success and an enriched personal life. We educate, we transform, we inspire, and we offer invaluable resources in the form of global events, leadership-development programs, an online entrepreneur forum and executive education opportunities, among other offerings designed for personal and professional growth. EO South Asia started in 1997 with a chapter in Mumbai and has now grown to 15 chapters and 1000+ members. Each member, by rule, is owner/founder/majority stakeholder of a business generating an earning of a minimum USD 1million in the most recent fiscal year. EO SA has members from across industry sectors whose collective sales value is USD 87.6 billion.
 Recent press releases
EO Spark, a Unique Gathering of Entrepreneurs to Spark Curiosity, Ignite Ideas, Leap to Success Kickstarts at Raipur Today

Curiosity is the spark which ignites many a possibility!
Curiosity is the genesis of significant inventions!
Curiosity is the precursor of success!
EO–Spark 2016, a unique learning event curated and organized by the Raipur Chapter of Entrepren... (more)