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We, at junkminds, believe that,learning cant be the same for every mind. Some can study amidst the crazy pace and noise of a moving metro city or some need the company of an eeriee silence of the night. Junkminds is your companion whenever you want to learn,wherever you want to learn. But we will make sure ‘YOU LEARN’. The course content gives you freedom from hunting for University Spcific course content . No more thinking about the relevance of the content youe see. At, you see only whatever is tyhe syllabus prescribed by the University, any thing irrelevant to that, Doesnt exist here. Hence we are,
 Recent press releases Designs an Innovative Test to Help Students Choose the Right Engineering Stream

Students aspiring to take up engineering as a career can now clearly select their stream of engineering, based on their aptitude., an e-learning portal developed by Khateeb Engineering Classes has designed a comprehensive online test called ‘Suggest My Branch’, which is di... (more)