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Press background on Harvard Model United Nations
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Harvard Model United Nations India is a four-day international relations simulation for high school students held annually in Hyderabad, India. At HMUN India, delegates gain insight into the workings of the United Nations and the dynamics of international relations by assuming the roles of UN representatives and members of other international bodies and national cabinets. HMUN India is an exciting opportunity for students to debate issues that confront world leaders and to draft resolutions in response to these global issues. Participants will develop their abilities to work with others who are equally motivated and passionate about the topics of debate and to respond to global concerns.
 Recent press releases
Vodafone Partners with Harvard Model United Nations India for Students to #BeSuper

In 2015, the United Nations laid down a set of 17 goals called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which require action from all sections of society for their success by 2030. India, with over 17% of the world population and one of the fastest growing economies with a large youth&nb... (more)