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Press background on MyTravelPie
Company profile
The Magpie is a bird that has long been known to collect objects with unique qualities. It is believed, that "Magpie" led to the origination of the word "Pie" i.e. something that is made with the help of a combination of unique ingredients. MyTravelPie, started in 2014, is our attempt to introduce the traveller to a unique hand-picked collection of experiential stays such as boutique home stays, offbeat cottages, farm stays, villas and small independent properties located in the lesser known parts of the world. We believe unique travel experiences have the power to enrich our lives and make the world a better place. Travel expands our horizons and connects us with each other. MyTravelPie was born out of the same strong desire to introduce travellers looking for warmth and culture to willing and courteous hosts.
 Recent press releases
MyTravelPie Bids Farewell to Traditional Cliched Hotel Stay and Cosying up to the Idea of Providing Experiences for Private Accommodation

Travel is food for the soul. It is through our travelling experiences  that we learn something new about the world, and our place in it. Everyone wants to take a break from their monotonous, stressful lives and catch a few moments of peace, adventure and novelty. Travelling offers that and mu... (more)